domingo, 17 de julio de 2011

Nueva MasterColour Elite Dimmerizable - CDM Light Boost

 A partir de Noviembre estará disponible en la Argentina la Nueva MasterColour Elite Dimmerizable - CDM Light Boost de Philips en formatos T y Tc 70W, lamparas que ya pueden empezar a considerar en sus proyectos.

 Queremos anunciarles que Philips ha lanzado la nueva MasterColour Elite Dimmerizable T/Tc llamada CDM Light Boost
  • Reproducción de colores > 90
  • Dimmerizable hasta 50% con balasto electrónico Aspiravision
  • Compatible con sistemas de control (stand-alone y network control)

The new MASTERColour CDM Elite Light Boost lamp is a breakthrough innovation that enables you
to vary light levels significantly, while still maintaining excellent quality of light.

The innovative Elite Light Boost lamp from Philips puts an end to complete darkness or full on brightness. Designed for instant response, it can optimise contrast levels with up and down dimming between 100% and 50%. You can save up to 45% on energy usage when the lights are dimmed 50%. At the same time, it maintains a crisp, white sparkling light and keeps light that looks just as attractive during dimming. The lamp is available in two colour temperatures (3000K and 4200K) so merchandise can be lit in the most appropriate colour. What’s more, with a high lumen output and excellent color rendering at any light level, everything will always be displayed at its most attractive.